My Profile as a family researcher.

I am an avid and dedicated genealogist.  I started searching for family in 1970 after attending my husband's Johnston Reunion on Thanksgiving Day.  It was the 83rd continuous Johnston Reunion.  I was impressed!  My husband was elected president and I was elected secretary.  As secretary I was given a family reunion notebook with minutes from many of the past 50 years of reunions.  In the book were names, dates and places of births, marriages and deaths. I was hooked.  My family needed to be recorded.  So for 48 years I have been collecting family data and documents for both my family and my husband's families.

This January 2018 I took the Amy Johnson Crow 52 Ancestors in 52 weeks Challenge.  It has been great.  I am digging into ancestor profiles finding documents I was missing, sharing stories with family and learning to write a blog!  Always learning more to become a better genealogist!

1 comment:

  1. Hello, I remember my grandmother kept repeating the name Elizabeth Tilley and that my GGGGGGG (#?) G-Pa came on the Mayflower. According to my grandmother his name was John Howland - My 3-G G-Pa was born in Dighton MA. I noticed that Elizabeth Tilley died in Swansea (same place my Triple Great G-Pa was buried - Would love to know more!
